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Thursday, July 31, 2014
law66: Mk II Covert Patch Pocket: Im too excited to not share...
Mk II Covert Patch Pocket:
Im too excited to not share this! The Mk II Covert Patch Pocket first view. This has a new core which makes it thinner, lighter and able to hide the contents even easier.
Arriving Monday, this is part of a whole new range and continued improvements to keep you safe. Thankyou to everyone that has made this product even better!
Available soon at
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ru-titley-knives: Morale bead . This simple Oilite bronze...
Morale bead .
This simple Oilite bronze morale bead was made from a reproduction Willys jeep bushing.
Its been filed then etched and stone washed and fits great on my tricked out High speed gear Taco carrying my EDC Spyderco UKPK .
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oneasterisk32: ru-titley-knives: Recent sheath commission...
Recent sheath commission .
Afghan Sage green kydex multi carry I made for a Spyderco mule with CNC OD green G-10 scales (Please note I did not make the scales )
Custom knives , sheaths and gear from
Oh my.
Gimme pls
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"The shortest answer is doing the thing."
- Ernest Hemingway (via infamoussayings)
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Sunday, July 27, 2014
daseinseescribejunto: Until the late 19th century, Corleck...
Until the late 19th century, Corleck Hill, in the Co Cavan townland of Drumeague, was the site of a Lughnasa festival held on the first Sunday of August. Lughnasa was one of the great quarterly feasts of the old Irish year. It also contained millennia-old memories of the Celtic god Lugh. The Lughnasa festival, which lasted well into the 20th century in Ireland, carried on over three days, echoing the idea of a tripartite deity. Around 1855 this potently enigmatic stone head was found near Corleck Hill. Carved into a 32cm-high piece of rounded sandstone are three similar faces, all with the same narrow mouths, bossed eyes and remote, implacable expression. A small hole in the base of the head suggests that it was secured to some kind of pedestal. One of the mouths also has a small circular hole, a feature that links it to several carved heads from Yorkshire. This link to Roman Britain reminds us that Ireland is, at this time, on the cusp of the Roman world. But if the Corleck Head represents a new variant in religious practice, it also speaks to us of an astonishing continuity.
The head is often taken to represent an “all-knowing god”, who can see all dimensions of reality. But its three faces also link us back to much older traditions of the three-natured goddess. The “power of three” is an important theme of Celtic art, and is represented in the common symbol of the triskel, or triskelion: three interlocked spirals. It relates to the triple nature of the great goddess, the Morrígan: sovereignty, fertility and death. But it is also common in Romano-British art, through the figures of the Matronae, the three ancestral mothers, representing strength, power and fertility. The Corleck Head, which is neither obviously male nor female, and which can be seen to unite old Irish and new Romano-British cults, touches all of these nerves.
In the context of the Lughnasa festival, the head may represent the old god Crum Dubh, who was buried for three days with only his head above ground, so that the young Lugh could temporarily take his place. Máire MacNeill, in her classic ‘The Festival of Lughnasa’, suggests that “there was a custom of bringing a stone head from a nearby sanctuary and placing it on the top of the hill for the duration of the festival. The head looking in different directions may be … looking propitiously on the ripening corn-plots.”
That something of this ritual survived well into 20th-century Ireland (and into Brian Friel’s play ‘Dancing at Lughnasa’) is spine-tingling but not entirely illogical. The Corleck Head may
represent a late expression of pre-Christian religion. But it also points forwards to a religion that was beginning to spread from the Mediterranean – the one with three persons in one God.
Where to see it National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, 01-6777444,
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irelandseyeonmyth: The stone in the otherworldly landscape in...
The stone in the otherworldly landscape in the Burren is called the Hags Head after stories about the Cailleach. She is a shaper of the landscape and in some stories when she meets a rival Cailleach they heave boulders at each other explaining why the huge boulders littering the burren.
The Cailleach in some areas shape shifts into a rabbit but the Burren has a unique resident that might have given the Cailleach another form in stories. The Burren is its home to wild Old Irish Goats. They are a primitive breed of goats that has its origins in prehistory and interestingly where other breeds of goat and sheep are lead by rams. Its the Ewes that lead old irish goat herds.
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celticvikingoutdoors: How i carry my tarp and axe when using...
How i carry my tarp and axe when using the swiss mountain rucksack. Gransfors bruks scandinavian forest axe tucked in my tarp (folded behind the kidney strap - more comfy and saves space inside the main bucket) .. then just a bit of 3mm bungee with clips on tied to the buckle on the lid of the pack. Works well and means the handle overhangs the top of the pack just as much as your head does so dont have to worry about catching it on anything unless scrambling through thick stuff/bending down. Took it to show @hobomillar #rucksack #bushcraft #survival #outdoors #gear #kit #uk #axe #woodsman #outdoorsman
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irelandseyeonmyth: From Saint Patricks Chair/Boheh Stone the...
From Saint Patricks Chair/Boheh Stone the sun seems to roll down the Croagh Patrick mountain at Lunasa.
The declination of the setting sun matches the slope of the mountain and the Boheh stone is heavily decorated with cup and ring marks. Petrglyphs of another style to the passage tomb builders.
The passage tombs that align to the winter solstices and equinoxes are the tribal centres of one ethnicity in Ireland, the highest in status. The other ethnicities couldnt muster the manpower to anchor themselves to the sacredness in the landscape in the same way. So they picked places where the landscape seemed to be particularly or spectacularly sacred.
In marsh land near Croagh Patrick the winter solstice can be observed at standing stones and an earth work. As the low winter sun sets at 2pm it seems to rest on the top of the phallic shaped stone before disapearing into a V in the mountains leaving the site in the shadow of the mountain.
The experience has a unique feeling. Its so natural its like humans never existed and theres a sense timeless magic and extreme cold. It could almost be the cold before the big bang or it could be cold because its the winter solstice and we are all knee deep in water.
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laughingsquid: Oru Kayak, A 12-Foot-Long Kayak That Folds Into...
coffeentrees: Photo by @paleyphoto (Matthieu Paley). Early...
Photo by @paleyphoto (Matthieu Paley). Early morning, a girl from the Khan’s camp is getting #water for tea. At 14.000 feet, the camp’s spring freezes overnight and the #ice must be broken open with a steel bar. I am posting images from 2012 expeditions to #Afghanistan’s Pamir mountains, now focusing on food habits of the Afghan Kyrgyz high-altitude community. Part 6 of my @natgeo story on the “Evolution of Diet” coming out in September. For the full SERIES, head over to @paleyphoto. For more on the Afghan Kyrgyz, see Nat Geo article from February 2013, #red #food #latergram #evolutionofdiet #paleodiet @thephotosociety @natgeocreative by natgeo
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Saturday, July 26, 2014
thenewartemis: vintagefallout: thenewartemis: It’s a...
It’s a hairclip! And a mulitool! Your must-have hair accessory. Read more at The New Artemis.
Pro Tip. Many of us who wear Kippas (I rarely do) also use barrettes to keep them on our heads. So this is the ultimate manly barrette.
True! One of the images on the site that sells these shows them clipped to a kippah:
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dendroica: It’s not just extinction: meet defaunation Get...
It’s not just extinction: meet defaunation
Get ready to learn a new word: defaunation. Fauna is the total collection of animals—both in terms of species diversity and abundance—in a given area. So, defaunation, much like deforestation, means the loss of animals in all its myriad forms, including extinction, extirpation, or population declines. A special issue in Science today shines light on this little-discussed global trend and highlights how it’s impacting human society.
"Though for emotional or aesthetic reasons we may lament the loss of large charismatic species, such as tigers, rhinos, and pandas, we now know that loss of animals, from the largest elephant to the smallest beetle, will also fundamentally alter the form and function of the ecosystems upon which we all depend," writes Sacha Vignieri, an Associate Editor with Science in an introduction on the issue.
Starting with the bigger—more well-known—species, vertebrate populations on average have declined by over a quarter in the last forty years, according to a review paper in the issue. Such numbers are borne out by a lot of anecdotal reporting of the “empty forest” syndrome, where scientists are noticing more-and-more seemingly intact forests and other habitats that have been stripped of their medium to large vertebrates.
Meanwhile at least 322 vertebrates have gone extinct since 1500, a trend in human-caused extinctions that likely began during the Pleistocene. Many additional vertebrates remain unrecorded for decades and could be extinct.
But “fauna” also extends to invertebrates, which really comprise the vast bulk of the world’s animals. Most of these animals—which includes everything from insects to mollusks and jellyfish to spiders—have been far less studied than the world’s vertebrates and so much less is known about how imperiled they are and their population trends. Still, the data that we do have is not good.
A global review of 452 invertebrates find that these populations have fallen by 45 percent over the last 40 years. The best data is in the Lepidoptera family—moths and butterflies—which shows a drop in abundance of about 35 percent.
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did-you-kno: Source A practise that still carries on in some...
A practise that still carries on in some pubs on a Friday night!
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edpoint: I got a lot of questions about my keychain. Its not a...
I got a lot of questions about my keychain. Its not a real finger. It’s plastic. Where it came from… Hell if I know…
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coffeentrees: Photo by @paleyphoto (Matthieu Paley). In her...
Photo by @paleyphoto (Matthieu Paley). In her yurt, Pegich makes flatbread called “#naan”. The flour was bartered against yak in the lower valleys, a minimum 10 days round trip on foot. Numbering only about 1400, Afghan Kyrgyz are the smallest #minority in Afghanistan. They live in one of the remotest part of High Asia. I am posting images from 2012 expeditions to #Afghanistan’s Pamir mountains, now focusing on food habits of this small high-altitude community. Part 6 of my @natgeo story on the Evolution of diet - how we are what we ate - coming out in September. For more, see story in Nat Geo from February 2013, #food #latergram #evolutionofdiet #paleodiet @thephotosociety @natgeocreative by natgeo
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purple-t: I stopped off at #Stonehenge yesterday. The way they...
I stopped off at #Stonehenge yesterday. The way they take your money and churn you through made it one of the most underwhelming experiences I’ve had when visiting anywhere. Having never been then I thought I should visit, but the mass of people and not being able to walk around the stones makes it all a big flop as there’s no atmosphere to it. Walk around at a distance, take a few photos, then leave. It’s all very sad really :-(
#disapointed #underwhelmed #ancientmonument #stonecircle #iphoneography #hipstamatic
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pcordnsuch: snakedrblog: APEK2 Advanced Personal Escape...
APEK2 Advanced Personal Escape Kit
24/7 Carry Habit…
Tech410 Neck Carry Lanyard -
optimised to cut through synthetic and natural non-metallic restraints. Can be used as a garotte. Installed with breakaway connectors for your safety.AHK2 Advanced Handcuff Key -
if you carried just one key this would be the one. Steel construction, precision engineered to work with handcuffs that have additional security features and to allow for covert carry options.AHK2 is seated within the Breakaway connector. Simply pull the neck carry lanyard to release the key.
AHK2 fitted with 120lb split ring to aid operation.
Micro Striker Disc -
for emergency vehicle egress. Will break tempered glass. Can also be used as an effective ferro rod striker.Available from 05Aug2014.
I’m going to have to order one, since I think my kids threw away my original version APEK.
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Friday, July 25, 2014
Log boat dating back 4,500 years found in Lough Corrib
A 4,500-year-old log boat is among 12 early Bronze Age, Iron Age and medieval craft that have been located in Lough Corrib, along with several Viking-style battle axes and other weapons.
The vessels were discovered by marine surveyor Capt Trevor Northage while mapping the western lake to…
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edpoint: Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will...
Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There’s a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth… Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy… So simple… And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.
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semperannoying: Royal Marines from 43 Commando Fleet Protection...
Royal Marines from 43 Commando Fleet Protection Group, based at Faslane, are used to the vagaries of the Scottish climate, as they hone their operational capability during training on the Gareloch, ready for deployment around the globe.
But when the weather’s this good…
In these images, Royal Marines on board super-manoeuvrable, high-speed Offshore Raiding Craft, or ORCs as they are better known, take advantage of the calm waters to exercise a variety of boarding and protection serials.
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walkaboutchronicle: A typical Swedish house has grass growing...
A typical Swedish house has grass growing on the roof.
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jebiga-design-magazine: Indestructible beast Taurus 2x2...
Thursday, July 24, 2014
snakedrblog: hab·it/ˈhabit/ noun a settled or regular tendency...
nouna settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
a long, loose garment worn by a member of a religious order or congregation.
a person’s bodily condition or constitution.verb
dress; clothe.
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mikeshouts: WORX Aerocart is like the Swiss Army Knife of the...
WORX Aerocart is like the Swiss Army Knife of the wheelbarrow world.
follow us for more gadgets, tech and lifestyle stuff ;)
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law66: stash-its: //New Ultralight Gray// The new Stash-It has...
//New Ultralight Gray//
The new Stash-It has arrived! The new ultralight material is just as strong but now offers a gray to compliment a Stealth Snatch Bag.
Available from Law Industries Store later today.//CommunicationEnds//
These new ultralight Stash-Its make the most of lighter, stronger materials. The grey compliments your SSB perfectly.
Limited stock in this colour at the moment. Grab one!Ive just been told they are in the Law Industries Store now!!
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mikeshouts: FLIR One Thermal Imager For iPhone opens for...
FLIR One Thermal Imager For iPhone opens for pre-order at $350 a pop [update]
follow us for more gadgets, tech and lifestyle stuff ;)
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