Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
kevwil: "Sound of Silence" by myst1cal (
lifeisverybeautiful: the blue sky by Jesper Madsen / 500px
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
law66: Seal Team 6 MKII Aqua: Following on from the alternative...
ST6 Seal Team 6 Mk II AQUA
Another simple change to make a good thing truly great!, the Aqua pack with sterilising tablets to give you the other valuable asset for life, clean water.
Seal Team 6 MKII Aqua:
Following on from the alternative ST6 kit, the MKII, we also wanted to offer a more complete system. The new ‘AQUA’ houses the same great package as the regular ST6 MKII but with another key variation. This one is vacuum packed in a resealable bag allowing you to use the supplied Military water sterilising tablets and the bag together for a hydration solution as part of the package. It will only hold around half a litre, but the option is important to protect and prolong your life.
As before the other upgrades expand on previous packs to give you a comprehensive set of solutions for many varied eventualities. If you want something that is self contained and still maintain the two new optional ‘flavors’ then this is the top of the range option with other important additions now as standard.
Full Details From The Law Industries Store
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Monday, January 26, 2015
staysandstories: Frankenstein” Bog Mummies Discovered in...
Frankenstein” Bog Mummies Discovered in Scotland
In a “eureka” moment worthy of Dr. Frankenstein, scientists have discovered that two 3,000-year-old Scottish “bog bodies” are actually made from the remains of six people.
According to new isotopic dating and DNA experiments, the mummies—a male and a female—were assembled from various body parts, although the purpose of the gruesome composites is likely lost to history.
The mummies were discovered more than a decade ago below the remnants of 11th-century houses at Cladh Hallan, a prehistoric village on the island of South Uist (map), off the coast of Scotland.
The bodies had been buried in the fetal position 300 to 600 years after death. (See bog body pictures.)
Based on the condition and structures of the skeletons, scientists had previously determined that the bodies had been placed in a peat bog just long enough to preserve them and then removed. The skeletons were then reburied hundreds of years later.
(Related pictures: “Ancient Bog Girl’s Face Reconstructed.”)
Terry Brown, a professor of biomedical archaeology at the University of Manchester, said there were clues that these bog bodies were more than they seemed.
On the female skeleton, “the jaw didn’t fit into the rest of the skull,” he said. “So Mike [Parker Pearson, of Sheffield University] came and said, Could we try to work it out through DNA testing?”
Brown sampled DNA from the female skeleton’s jawbone, skull, arm, and leg. The results show that bones came from different people, none of whom even shared the same mother, he said.
The female is made from body parts that date to around the same time period. But isotopic dating showed that the male mummy is made from people who died a few hundred years apart.
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
Fiskars multi-scissors
Core 77 reviews Fiskars’ amazing Cuts+More multi-scissors that can be used as an awl, rope-cutter, wire-cutter, twine-cutter, tape-cutter, sharpener, bottle opener, and titanium knife. Fiskars has a deserved reputation as one of the world’s finest scissor vendors, and is part of the same…
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pcordnsuch: law66: Ocean Blue Radiance Light: Just a quick...
Ocean Blue Radiance Light:
Just a quick note to let every one know that the ‘Ocean Blue’ versions of the Radiance Light are enabled. More will be added to the list tomorrow once they are fully cured.
They look fantastic!
Very nice, indeed.
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ru-titley-knives: Kirinite SAK mod . GITD kirinite glow scales...
Kirinite SAK mod .
GITD kirinite glow scales for a UK customer with added jimping on the one handed opening blade .
kirinite glow in the UK here
Custom knives , sheaths and gear from
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Saturday, January 24, 2015
edpoint: Ed’s blinding powder cookbook Use fine dry ash. It...
Ed’s blinding powder cookbook
Use fine dry ash. It will be your carrying agent. The finer the ash the better, your looking for something that will float in the air.
If you don’t have ash others carrying agents can be improvised from:
Calcium Sulfate
Calcium Carbonate
Lime stone
ChalkThe trick is to grind them up to a fine powder.
As for irritants, traditionally they used dried jelly fish tentacles, oyster shells, shichimi ( similar to red peppers). These were grinded up in to the mix and were bonded with the powder.
The jelly fish will cause permanent damage depending on the species.
I used dried ghost chilli peppers and the Trinidadian scorpion peppers on some of my mixes to grate effect.
For more permanent damage ground up glass from a light bulb or very fine iron filings can be added to the mix, but you will have to be closer to the target to use it since these elements make it travel less trough the air.
Once these elements make contact with the surface of the eye, if you try and rub them the materials like glass or the iron filings will course injuries to the eye.
Traditionally this powders were carried in small empty egg shells and were crushed and thrown at the enemies eyes to make a get away. There were also small boxes that you had to blow trough to expel the powder at your opponent, these are actually very effective and can be more directed at your enemies eyes and can go a bit further trough the air.
I have rigged a small tube of the stuff incide a match box. And I have also just put some of it in plastic and heat sealed it, keep it in your pocket and if shit goes down, grab one and crush it on your hand and if there are many opponents fan it out across the room with your left hand, keep your strong hand free.
Your left hand will become covered in the irritants, you can smear it in someone’s eyes if they get to close.
Wind direction and covering ones own eyes has to be kept in mind at all times………
You can also use paper wraps that can be torn open when needed or load the mix into a bicycle pump!
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Friday, January 23, 2015
outsportspics: Jen Olson Ice Climbing in the Cogne Valley,...
Jen Olson Ice Climbing in the Cogne Valley, Italy by Alexandre Buisse
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Saturday, January 17, 2015
nubbsgalore: Over the hills and far away, a misty mountain hop....
Over the hills and far away, a misty mountain hop. Photos by michal karckz
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
edpoint: Razor Boxing is a method of augmenting western boxing...
Razor Boxing is a method of augmenting western boxing to be used with the razor. Because the razor produces such a fine cut, wounds may go unnoticed in the heat of an exchange. Because of this, attacks are directly primarily towards the forehead and eyes to impair the opponents vision.
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pcordnsuch: law66: Light Box Project: After some investment in...
Light In A Box
The turn off and on glow light. In a box!
Steady glow from a short blast of sun light
Low medium or high settings
As little or as much as you need
Stand it up, lay it down or hold it, it works the way you do
Light Box Project:
After some investment in materials and some continued testing one of the ideas I had last year seems to be getting closer to a final product. When other items came along it got put to the back burner and then brought out again as time allowed. In short I was asked for a lighting method that could be turned on and off, that glowed and did not produce large volumes of light, that could be used to allow navigation and signalling as well as be Jerry rigged for other covert uses. Also it had to be totally stand alone not requiring batteries or further components adding to the bulk or weight of the item.
I had tried chemical lights in a variety of ways but its a one shot deal and you cant exactly turn them off. You can throw them in your shoe or sometimes in a pocket but that can lead to light escape from the pocket depending on what the material is. Also you need a lot of them if you intend on doing anything for extended periods of time.
After some further experiments with glowing materials from hard plastics to soft granules all the way down to dust the final product was reached. Above is the final prototype of the material to glow, without the correct top coat. The final top coat to affix it is on order and the vacuum chamber is not set up yet to remove the bubbles. The final top coat is also crystal clear and is UV stable magnifying the sunlight inbound to the particles.
What we have is a container that holds a simple to charge glowing powder that is long lasting and durable. Its sealed into the holder with a clear top coat. You can charge it with sunlight, UV light or any other form of light. The big difference is a sliding lid makes it easily to turn off or on or vary the intensity..
Once the final components have arrived and a final sample is made I’ll post some further images and some further demonstration photos. Double sided tape could allow for a permanent marker or simple velcro for fixing to a jacket, bergan, helmet etc.
More details to follow, any thoughts or views on this idea please feel free to let me know.
Great idea, since it is so simple. Will other colors be available?
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Friday, January 9, 2015
snakedrblog: Snap Clip + Tech205 Friction Saw Personally I...
Snap Clip + Tech205 Friction Saw
Personally I prefer some form of break away for safety; however if you require a higher level of gear retention this is one option.
The cord has a test tensile strength of 205lb and the split ring is 120lb. Snap Clip is untested at this stage.
Adding a MCA (Multi Carry Attachment) clip will provide a break away.
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neil-gaiman: upworthy: There Were Too Many Deer In The Forest....
When the deer killed off the forest, they decided to let the wolves loose to fix it. We had no idea what exactly we had done.
If you haven’t seen this video, take a few minutes and watch it. You will be happy you did.
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mermaids-and-moons: spyke1985: faery-rebels: Romania [ x...
Romania [ x ]
Wow. My dad told me Romania was gorgeous, but just… damn.
I’ve been to Romania and it is absolutely breath-taking.
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