Wednesday, December 17, 2014

law66: Advanced BreakAway Lanyard Mk V: I’ve been working on a...

Original mk 5 prototype

Barrel break away for your safety combined with a handcuff key and a shim

Move them around the lanyard to where you need them most.

Simple works, everyone likes simple and it makes a great platform to build from,

Just what you need, right where you need it.


Advanced BreakAway Lanyard Mk V:

I’ve been working on a newer design lanyard for a while now. Its still not quite ready in my view but it seems to be effective. The buckle has been replaced with a barrel connector for simpler, more discreet wear and the cord length has been doubled. The same garotte feature that was so useful in the other versions is still their, and the cord length is of course doubled. So if you need cordage for any reason, their is plenty for what ever you could need it for.

The same ultra thin cord with the over 120kg breaking strain is being used once again, only that figure can now be effectively doubled. The inclusion of the shim in the same way used on the other lanyards helps escape restraint, while the simple key holder offers versatility for the key itself or alternatively a key and bobby pin combo I used some months ago to make the key more useful when in rigid cuffs if offset. (This extends the key reach and offers greater control in rigid cuffs)

All in all its a low profile package that will work for ID’s to blend in or any of the other daily jobs you use your lanyard for. It improves and expands on your available options no matter what line of work you are in.

Simplicity is the key, and the position of the key/shim can be moved easily. The addition of a photon light would make this a great starter package for anyone looking for a platform to work with. If you lanyard carry documents abroad it would be the perfect solution in that situation as it looks normal.

If the continued testing and evaluation feedback proves positive and no more changes are made it should be live in the new year for ordering. Any suggestions email

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Google's end-to-end email encryption moves to Github


Google’s made some major announcements about End-to-End, their implementation of the best-of-breed email encryption tool PGP, which they’re refactoring as a way of encrypting webmail so that neither they nor the spy-services can read it in transit or at rest.

Google has teamed up with Yahoo to produce a standard, free/open-source version of PGP that’ll be hosted on Github, and they’re already started paying researchers who find critical bugs in their infrastructure.

Read the rest…

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Friday, December 12, 2014

What’s in your winter driving survival kit?

What’s in your winter driving survival kit?

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coffeentrees: Photo by Michael Yamashita @yamashitaphoto....


Photo by Michael Yamashita @yamashitaphoto. Here’s the cover image of my book, Marco Polo. Camels crossing the Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang, China. For my Italian friends, I will be opening an exhibit on Marco Polo at Museo d’Arte Orientale in Torino, Italy on December 18. #Taklamakan #Desert #Camels #Xinjiang #China #MarcoPolo #SilkRoad @theimagereview @thephotosociety @natgeocreative by natgeo

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014

dpcphotography: Loch Achtriochtan, Glencoe


Loch Achtriochtan, Glencoe

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lulukirsten: The white trees.


The white trees.

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irelandseyeonmyth: The grave of queen Maeve on Knocknarea...


The grave of queen Maeve on Knocknarea mountain is an unexcavated passage tomb. It has so many features similar to Newgrange its expected to be aligned in the same way to the Winter solstice.

Maeves cairn had a ring of standing stones around it and the remnants of smaller passage tombs. Another hint to its function is the name of the nearby lake Lough Geal, meaning the bright/shining lake.

Queen Maeve is the Queen of Connacht in the Tain, the antagonist of the story who leads the armies of Ireland against Cu Chulainn. But outside the narrative of the story she was possibly a Sovereignty Queen/A tutelary goddess that personified that type of deities role in the kingship cult and the sacred marriage.

Maeves name means ‘the intoxicating one’ and she is linked to Tara Hill the site of the literary high king cult its possible her name means she is the personification of one part of the polytheist inauguration ritual there. The king accepts the tutelary goddesses favour in a ritualized consuming of mead or ale presented to him in literature by a goddess.

Another interesting feature of Maeves Cairn and the others in the area is theyre on mountains and mists and clouds form around them. The passage tombs are venerated as Bruidne, places where deities live and the Tuatha de Danann are supposed to arrive on a cloud of mist in some stories. Maybe when we see that mist today were sharing an experience with people of the past who thought it was a sign their gods were coming down from the Bruidne in the mists.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

yetipipe: A pipe in a tent in the mountains? Yes please.


A pipe in a tent in the mountains? Yes please.

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bfelabs: Get the survival medicine guide for just $3 now...


Get the survival medicine guide for just $3 now through Dec 31st, and receive the 2nd (much longer) edition free when it comes out!

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