Saturday, January 24, 2015

edpoint: Ed’s blinding powder cookbook Use fine dry ash. It...


Ed’s blinding powder cookbook

Use fine dry ash. It will be your carrying agent. The finer the ash the better, your looking for something that will float in the air.

If you don’t have ash others carrying agents can be improvised from:

Calcium Sulfate

Calcium Carbonate

Lime stone


The trick is to grind them up to a fine powder.

As for irritants, traditionally they used dried jelly fish tentacles, oyster shells, shichimi ( similar to red peppers). These were grinded up in to the mix and were bonded with the powder.

The jelly fish will cause permanent damage depending on the species.

I used dried ghost chilli peppers and the Trinidadian scorpion peppers on some of my mixes to grate effect.

For more permanent damage ground up glass from a light bulb or very fine iron filings can be added to the mix, but you will have to be closer to the target to use it since these elements make it travel less trough the air.

Once these elements make contact with the surface of the eye, if you try and rub them the materials like glass or the iron filings will course injuries to the eye.

Traditionally this powders were carried in small empty egg shells and were crushed and thrown at the enemies eyes to make a get away. There were also small boxes that you had to blow trough to expel the powder at your opponent, these are actually very effective and can be more directed at your enemies eyes and can go a bit further trough the air.

I have rigged a small tube of the stuff incide a match box. And I have also just put some of it in plastic and heat sealed it, keep it in your pocket and if shit goes down, grab one and crush it on your hand and if there are many opponents fan it out across the room with your left hand, keep your strong hand free.

Your left hand will become covered in the irritants, you can smear it in someone’s eyes if they get to close.

Wind direction and covering ones own eyes has to be kept in mind at all times………


You can also use paper wraps that can be torn open when needed or load the mix into a bicycle pump!

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