Thursday, September 18, 2014

coffeentrees: Rise of Mammals // Climate Change A 55...


Rise of Mammals // Climate Change

A 55 million-year Sabalites palm—now fossilized in a sedate plate-is photographed where it came from, now in the snow in Wyoming’s Fossil Butte. In it’s day the fronds lined a warm shallow lake where crocodiles hunted. As the climate cooled the lake disappeared and the forest retreated; snow and sage brush now region in these parts.

I fell in love with this fossil after shooting it, it now hangs on my wall at home.

One of the reasons I loved about this, apart from its age and the politics at hand is that climate change *is* happening and has been happening for millions of years. It is a fact of our environment.

Yes, the process is a natural one, but in the last 200 years we have seen such an abrupt and exaggerated change in the climate that it outpaces natural processes by leaps and bounds. Climate change as the public understands it *is* a human issue, a human problem, and though it has been happening for millions of years, what we have done is accelerate that change, and the climate refugees of the world are at risk of that change.

This will affect you, whether you wish to recognize it or not. as of 2010, %80 of the world’s population works and lives within 60 miles of an ocean. That’s 5.7 BILLION people that will see a stark change in their environment when the waters rise. The preventable disasters and tragedies of our day can be stopped. As a father of a 5 year old it is in my mind one of the most important issues of our day. Take part in the march on climate change on 9.21 with #peoplesclimate and let’s make a change.

#climatechange #peoplesclimate #peopleclimatemarch #BillMcKibben @billMckibben

@RobertClarkphoto @thephotosociety @natgeo @instituteartist by natgeo

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