Thursday, April 30, 2015

law66: The fundamentals of the lock:In the first image, we see...

No key, the pins height varies closing the sheer line preventing opening

With the key, the pins height sits at the same height allowing the plug to turn on the sheer line.

The visible sheer line as all the pins match the same height and the plug will rotate opening the lock


The fundamentals of the lock:

In the first image, we see a lock with no key, the sheer line is blocked by the pins varying in height. This wont allow the plug to turn, any force on the plug at this point is transferred to the pins further keeping the lock closed. 

In the second image, the addition of the key forces the pins to sit at the correct height freeing the sheer line and allowing the plug to rotate, opening the lock.

The final image shows the plug rotated and the pins at the height of the sheer line in a normal operation of opening the lock. Most locks do not have a restriction on which way the plug turns to open, this can be used to your benefit when picking locks and allowing space for the tension wrench when it is tight.

Learning what is happening at all stages of picking and visualize the cause and effect of the action. This will help you pick more locks as you understand the feedback in relation to the events happening deep inside a lock. Sometimes you just need to reset and start again, don’t keep picking if you are getting nowhere and the lock is telling you something is wrong.

Lock Picking Tools - Law Industries Store

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